

Yay! It's the second half of the year already. It's lovely July and we are both alive to see it. We sure got many reasons to be thankful. I'm making good on my promise to post a poem on Beautiful Scars. Keep your spirits high this month (and always). Warm regards.                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If I showed you my scars, What would you think of me? Would you call me weak Or call me strong? Would you think me ugly Or beautiful despite the scars? What would you say If you saw my secret tears And heard my heart-wrenching sobs? Would you call me weak Or would you call me strong? Would you give me comfort or sharp words To get me on my feet again? In the dark, like stars They shine - my scars. Glistening like medals. I'm a noble Knighted by life's experiences. I'll hold my head high Knowing I survived; Riding out on a white horse With only dents in my armor... My scars, they shine, Like stars in the night. ©Nikoslexie 2018


"Here I am staring down the barrel of a gun. My heart is racing. Am I scared? No! I am super excited." Wow! I almost can't believe i have been away for three months. I wish I could write about all my experiences while i was away but... Let's just say for most of the time, I was sitting on the ground, crying about the new boy in the area that stole my pen while I conveniently forgot I could easily get another one. All I had to do (first) was STAND UP... And "Stand up" I did and that's why you are reading this. This post is actually a little weird because it's a mixture of different thoughts combined in one post. I hope you don't get lost in the flow. Lol.                          ..... My back ached as I made the journey uphill in the desert bearing such heavy burden. Every time I thought it was the "last straw", a storm came and blew part of my burden away giving me momentary relief. No! Life wasn't done with me yet ...


When we read about a doctor or teacher sexually abusing a patient or student, people tend to say all sorts. Some even go as far as sharing false personal experiences just to drive home the point or gain cheap popularity. We call the perpetrators names like “beasts” and maybe rightfully so. We can’t seem to imagine how one who was meant to be a professional or guardian could do such a horrible thing. Families and loved ones of the victims are the worst hit even if they had severed ties with the victim or played a role somehow. In that singular moment of grief, it all doesn’t matter. What matters is that an evil act has been committed and it must be punished. What about fathers who constantly molest daughters or aunts who do the same to innocent nephews? These are all “Guardians” turned “Beasts”; people saddled with the responsibility of nurturing someone but who have chosen to destroy instead. Let’s not forget that all these people are first humans with blood flowing through their vein...


I've always believed those who say that for every guy, there are at least 3 ladies. I believed them till I looked up global statistics and discovered that males actually outnumber females up till around age 55! So where have all the men gone? This post isn't about love or relationships so don't start doing the math. Lol. There seems to be a lot of young males but a deficit in the number of "real men". These days, many children are rushed into adulthood (by circumstances and/or parents) and seem to have missed out on a part of childhood. This sometimes reflect later when they are adults in age but children in their thoughts or actions. All-round maturity seems to be rare in our days. What happened to all the " men"? What happened at the "real women factory", who can tell? #JustMusing          ~~~*****~~~*****~~~ Burning the midnight candle Turning the door handle I'm opening the gates And I don't even know the rates Flooded! Expo...


Hello friend. I slept yesterday and woke up in a totally new world... Today! The 25th day of the first month of a new year. What has happened in the last 24 days, I cannot tell. Suffice to say I have been in transit. Call it a trance if you will. LOL. The new year started weeks ago but here I am just putting up my first post. I apologize for that. Let's just say that the year started but only a part of me started with it. The whistle was blown for the race to start but I stood transfixed, only participating in my mind and crossing the finish line in my head until now. Well, in case you are like me, permit me to announce to you that 2018 has started. "Better late than never", they say. It's not too late to get moving and following through with your outlined plans. Be intentional this year and watch doors open of their own accord. Cheers to a fabulous year. Thanks for always stopping by. Yours truly, Mofehintoluwa © Nikoslexie2018


"Hope is a dangerous thing..." I know it's a bit weird to see hope described with such a "negative" word but I hope you see what it means by  the time you read through. Like the aroma of "party jollof-rice" after a long day or the taste of a cold drink on a hot day so is the sound of Hope's footsteps outside a closed door. Simply rejuvenating! Hope is indeed a dangerous thing as it causes a man to leap across heavily fortified walls without considering his present restraints. Yes! It is hope that makes a child of the street wear a gold crown and ignore the melody made by his empty stomach. Hope defies the odds. Hope says "Fly with your dreams" when you haven't even learnt to walk. Hope can grow from just a silver lining to a huge ball of fire engulfing all in its path. The question is: Will you fan the dying embers of hope in your heart even as a new calendar year approaches? Dare to hope; a better tomorrow beckons still.    ...


"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot" - Michael Altshuler I've read the above quote so many times but didn't give it so much thought till recently. So many times, life races by and it feels as if we're struggling to catch up with our lives. Too many places to go, too many deadlines to meet and too many activities to participate in. Sometimes, I sit back and ask myself what significant thing happened in the last 24 hours. There are days I can point to some important things while there are just some days I am left wondering! I have realized that as long as we are living (and hardworking of course), there will always be a thousand and one things to do. The onus is on us to take a break. When everything is happening so fast and seemingly getting out of control, my advice is that you Pause and Think. Take a moment to breathe before rushing on to the next chore and you can thank me later. *winks* You are the pilot of your life. Time will...