Wow! It definitely feels good (no! Exciting is a better word) to be back from a long unanticipated break. I am sure some of you most have wondered if my blog had gone the way of many blogs and "died" or if I finally got something else to keep me occupied. I wish I could say you were right and give you a reward but I can't because I thought about writing almost every single day of the last one month and I missed my readers 😢😢 (that's my way of apologizing to you 😁please accept it 😄)

In the last one month, I have passed through some things I had never really given much thought to. I have had to ask myself why I had to be at the receiving end this time (if not me, then who?) I have been forced to see things from other perspectives I never knew existed and I am grateful for that. I have been reminded once again that it's hard to know what the other person is going through until you have the experience yourself. So let's be reminded when next we are tempted to criticize our neighbors, we just might do the same thing if in their shoes.

Don't say you know when you don't
Don't say you hear when you don't
Don't say you've been there,
When you weren't even near.
I am there and it hurts a lot.

Don't say you see when you don't
Don't say you'll speak when you won't
Don't say you'll catch when you won't.
I have slipped,
I have fallen and it's no child's play.

You have to be in his shoes
To know why she's his muse
You need to feel the pain
To understand there's no gain
You need to hear her heart beat
Then you'll know why she can't eat

Don't say you know when you don't
You have to walk the path
Don't just do the math
Don't say you know when you don't.

©Nikoslexie 2017
P. S : this isn't a pity party. No cause for alarm😂😁


  1. This is one of my favourites!😃 learned this lesson also. So important for us to not say we know when we haven't really walked down that path. It makes us more understanding when we walk in other shoes if only for a bit. Keep writing!😃 keep inspiring.

  2. Thank you so much dear. Keep up the good work too


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