The above was the notice hung in every corner of Shane and Darry's house...at least in their minds. I wish the search were for criminals but I have to disappoint you, the search was for Bed bugs. (Am I serious? Yes, I am😁). Bed bugs were the sole object of the search.
The search started from the sitting room furniture where everything - cushions, headrests, throw pillows - was turned upside down and inside out in a frantic search for the bed bugs that had recently invaded their territory. Fortunately, their search was fruitful and yielded some bed bugs and their eggs carefully camouflaged within the crevices of the furniture. You really should have seen the look of joy and satisfaction that coloured their faces with each discovery!
As I watched the duo conduct their search, I almost couldn't believe they were looking for bed bugs and I wondered when bed bugs became treasures in our community. I only wished we could be so detailed and thorough in our search for genuine treasures. Too often, treasures like truth and justice have been lost and buried beneath layers of debris and sometimes masked by other counterfeit jewels. 😢😢 How far are you willing to go for truth to prevail? What are you willing to give up to ensure justice is served even in a world of growing chaos?
Ponder on these things as you enter a new month. Cheers!
The search started from the sitting room furniture where everything - cushions, headrests, throw pillows - was turned upside down and inside out in a frantic search for the bed bugs that had recently invaded their territory. Fortunately, their search was fruitful and yielded some bed bugs and their eggs carefully camouflaged within the crevices of the furniture. You really should have seen the look of joy and satisfaction that coloured their faces with each discovery!
As I watched the duo conduct their search, I almost couldn't believe they were looking for bed bugs and I wondered when bed bugs became treasures in our community. I only wished we could be so detailed and thorough in our search for genuine treasures. Too often, treasures like truth and justice have been lost and buried beneath layers of debris and sometimes masked by other counterfeit jewels. 😢😢 How far are you willing to go for truth to prevail? What are you willing to give up to ensure justice is served even in a world of growing chaos?
Ponder on these things as you enter a new month. Cheers!
Good job cutie. Happy new month in advance.