FEAR Sequel

To make good on my promise from my last post, I will share this poem.

When the first sunrays
Melt the eerie shadows of the past
And the grand silence of the night
Gives way to the hustling of the morning,
I wonder what today would bring
For one minute,
We are all happy and victorious;
The next,
We are victims of the unknown.

Our plight,
Borne out of the vanity of life,
Is but a necessity.
Curiousity becomes my drive
For only a split moment
Separates life from death.
I muse and discover that
Though we fly
Above every sea of uncertainty
In our happiest moments
Yet in our darkest nights,
We are overwhelmed with the fear of death.

Up and down our emotions go
Like the tune of the piper.
We forget that if we were to depart from here,
We may or may not be remembered
And surely,
Life will go on.

I, for one,
Will entertain no fear!
I’ll ride on the waves of life’s storms
And keep faith throughout every challenge
For I know that
If I were to die tomorrow,
I’d have won one of life’s greatest battles:
The battle against the fear of death.

©Nikoslexie 2008


  1. Death has lost its sting... Death is nothing

  2. I particularly love the part about conquering one of life's greatest battles: The battle against the fear of death!😃 (and that only comes truly through Christ😊) so cool!


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