Maybe he was truly a foe
The one who made me lose my toe
I wish I could bear his presence
As my mind struggled to grasp his essence
He was there; always constant!
His riding over my friends -so gallant
How could she call him "Friend"?
When I would give much to see his end
As long as he steered clear of the gallows,
Death lurked in the shadows.

Why feel so much hate
For one who is never late?
Why feel so much hate
For one who stood at Mortality's Gate?
To her, he was a friend
Who brought her worries to a bend
To me, he was a foe
And I never stopped saying so...

He would never be welcome
For he always made me numb
But in him lay proof of other things
So I could try being grateful for his stings.
Maybe he is truly a friend
The one who shouts "Your life didn't end! "

PAIN: Friend or Foe,
I'll never know!

©Nikoslexie 2016

P. S: This poem is dedicated to all those who in their times of pain have found a reason or the other to be grateful and of course to those who still struggle to do so.  Remember Your life didn't end!😅


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