Two sisters quietly played some distance away from where I sat enjoying the evening breeze. I was soaking in the beautiful atmosphere while I glanced in the sisters' direction just in time to witness a "mini-drama". Trust me not to carry last in such matters 😊😀 The older sister had mistakenly thrown her doll some metres away from where they played but instead of her going to get it herself, she ordered the younger one to get it for her. Of course, her sister refused and told her to get it herself. This didn't go down well with the older girl who twisted her ear, seized her doll and shouted at her to retrieve the doll. The younger sister obeyed albeit in tears and brought back the doll to the older one who didn't even appreciate the gesture.

See ehn, in my mind, I was already unconsciously advising the younger one not to talk or play with her sister for like a day so she could feel the impact of what she had done. After all, she was the one who threw the doll away herself. Why should the younger suffer for her carelessness? My unsolicited advice was stopped midway when I saw them playing together again. If only I could be like a child again...
Sometimes, the only thing we think about is how to carry out a revenge. People hurt us and we say things like "I have forgiven him o but I can't forget". Excuse me, what is now the point of forgiveness when you have already decided not to forget or let go from the beginning? Nobody is telling you to develop sudden amnesia but if you are really interested in forgiving, walk the path with the whole of your heart. Then and only then would the blessings of forgiveness be yours.
This post is already longer than I planned, see the next post for the complementary poem. Ciao!


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