What exactly is "Universal Wi-Fi" ? In simple terms, it's that potable device that one buys data subscription on, people connect to and they can browse at the same time. Well, sorry to disappoint you but that's not what this write up is about 😁😀. Up until some days ago, I had never heard of the phrase "Universal Wi-Fi" being used in a particular context but the phrase jumped out at me from an interesting debate some of my colleagues were having on the said day.( Not to worry, this isn't a continuation of that debate. 😀)
Universal Wi-Fi... Hmmm.. Is it possible that there is something that is present all over the world? Is/are there something(s) common to us as living humans round the world that we "connect" to from time to time to carry out some "tasks"? I think there are though I would only be talking about one of them today.
My Universal Wi-Fi for today is BELIEF. Yeah, you read right - Belief! Every living human (excluding those in a state of coma, of course) believes in something or someone. Some believe in self, Supreme Beings or the absence of such. Either way, our beliefs are what bind us on the surface of the earth. Some poor men believe they can be rich one day, some believe they can't. What I'm saying in essence is that what/who we believe in is something that seems to remain constant. Even when we say we have stopped believing, we haven't. We simply just changed from one "belief network" to another or temporarily disconnected ourselves from the Universal Wi-Fi to reconnect at a later time. Our belief(s) is/are always there even when we are unaware. Even a little baby believes he'll get food if he cries out loud. LOL
That being said, let me welcome you to a new calendar year and thank you for following my write-ups last year. I hope I continue to give you a reason to visit my blog this year and share with friends. It's a new year; believe in yourself and there is no limiting you. Keep soaring! Have a great year ahead.


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