Her cry of anguish pierced through the silence as she made her way into the Emergency Room. In her arms, she carried the limp body of a little girl -her only child! As she rushed in, the battle to save her baby's life began; one that had already been lost even before she stepped in as the girl was paper white with little respiratory effort. Moments later, her fears were confirmed. Her only child had died! Another cry of anguish let out; another life ended.
He sat looking at his phone; waiting for a call to come in. He had written so many exams yet he still had not been offered a slot in the program. He was getting frustrated. Surely, life couldn't be totally unfair. Just as he was dozing off, the shrill sound of his phone woke him. It was the call he'd been expecting.; he'd been offered admission. Great was his happiness... Another chance given!
Two unrelated stories. Two emotional extremes featuring on the same page... Wait a second! Isn't that really what life offers? A little of this and a little of that whether we ask for it or not. There will always be two sides to every coin. Don't toss the coin; keep it and profit with it!

Cheers to the month of June!


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