What exactly is reality? Is it just the other side of illusions or is it whatever you choose to accept as True? The mad man on the streets views the well-dressed humans as mad and vice versa. Is something wrong just because it is different or is it just wrong because it's "wrong"? I wish I had the answers...

My mind is fogged with a cloud of doubts.
I doubt that the world we live in is real
For I tend to stray into other worlds
From time to time;
I doubt that the stars exist
For when I wake up at dawn,
They are no more;
I doubt that an angry man
Is any different from the raging sea
For they destroy anything
That stands in their way
And they are both bound
By the search for revenge;
I doubt that behind every dark cloud
Is a silver lining
As I have experienced
The worst of life’s dark clouds
Without any pleasant event to colour my life;
I doubt that the sun rises in the East
For to a layman,
The North is what lies ahead
And the East,
What lies on his right;
I doubt that the moon is really round
For where can the missing part
Of a new moon be found?
I doubt my sanity
For to doubt the existence of true things
Is the beginning of insanity.

©Nikoslexie 2008

#weirdwednesday #museworld


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