What is True Justice? In layman's terms, I'd say acquitting the innocent and condemning the guilty. How does one determine who is guilty or innocent if not by relying on evidence(s) presented.
Let's picture a poor man who is innocent but has little or no evidence to prove it and can't even afford a good lawyer to represent him. We can guess his fate... He automatically becomes guilty! Are the scales of justice ever going to be balanced in our society?


Cries fill the air:
Cries for justice,
Cries for revenge
At their loudest,
The lovely morning is tainted.

“Quiet!” they say
To a man whose family’s been murdered
“Justice will be served.”

Days spent,
Negotiations made,
Affluent criminals living in ‘imprisoned’ paradise.
What a twisted sense of justice!
One erudite lawyer
And criminals are acquitted!

To the wronged
Who his pound of flesh takes,
Death is meted out.
Will there ever be a balance
Between wrong and right?

The retired patriot,
Now haunted for ‘knowing too much’,
Fights in self-defense.
What crass madness,
Fleeing the very country you’ve bled for!

Launching my only arsenal: the pen,
I seek equilibrium
Within this iniquitous system.
Even if I’ll be condemned
By the one who bites the fingers that fed her,
I will wage this war!

©Nikoslexie 2011


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